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The Big Property forum • View topic - BMV Properties, what is the real deal?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:48 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:44 am
Posts: 1
BMV Properties, what is the real deal?

There are ways to save money and one of them is "not to lose due to greed".

Now a days there are various companies offering you to take advantage of recession and provide you with "below market value / BMV properties", some of the names are Choices Acquisitions part of bigger group and also operate as choices co uk estate agents, fasttrackproperty, Axis etc (google bmv properties).

Most companies have free or reasonable membership fee (below £100) should you decide to become their member but some are over the top!!

Over the TOP would ask you for 2 levels of membership, to get Auction listings you pay £250 and to be their so called "retained client" you pay £1800, yes £1800!!

You will be made aware of lots of below market value property deals which can earn you or save you money and the aim is to get you on board as a client with positive feedback from (internet) clients you do not know or have any reference of. When you are up for the membership, you will be asked to provide your account or credit or, debit card details. Now be very careful here, sales people will be very fast, enthusiastic and quick enough to want you to confirm or "activate the membership" over the phone the moment you've given your financial details.

Remember, once you have paid the "membership" money and activated your account you can never ever claim it back, "better think it's lost" or stolen if you can live with that :-)

What are the real benefits in becoming a paid member, none!, Why?

1. Auction properties: You can get them for free from any auction site, it's simply free.
Call the auctioneers and they will be happy to provide you with the list via email or mail they have to sell their stuff to you and make commission, don't they.

2. Some will tempt you as their retained client:- If by any chance you decided to become their retained client (where you are promised the listing of property 1st) by parting with £1800, you will be asked to
"commit" to the property you have never seen in your life so that can be taken off the market.
The moment you said yes, you are obliged to pay them their 2.5% commission upfront + any deposit required to secure the property (normally 10 percent).

Now who in their right minds would agree to even commit to buy a property not viewed and give the fees upfront, which again cannot be "claimed back" !!
What if the property you bought has major repair works OR
Annoying neighbours, you might need some kind of insurance to protect you for few BMV deals. This could be the reason it was sold at less value in the first place.
Leasehold flats in London unless in high profile areas of Kensington etc are very hard to sell if lease is below 80 years so beware on that too, properties are normally 15-20 percent cheaper already because of this.

So few rules to remember when you are dealing with any company who asks you for membership fees and their commission or any form of payment upfront without the facility of viewing.

Stay away from companies who asks for fees to be their client.

Do not commit to anything over the phone!! In some and you can lose all your money paid!

Only ask for written invoice and then decide should you get tempted for this money loosing "adventure". Companies have "cooling off" period but if the invoice you receive is later then "cooling off" period?

Do not give your account details over the phone, once gone, they are out of your hand.

Do not pay upfront anything. If they want you as a client they can show you the property and give you a timeframe of 24 hrs to decide to put offer.

Do not commit to or pay their fees upfront to BUY the property, only on exchange of contracts as that might never happen if the vendor decided to back out !

All the above points are only for you to be safe and how to save money in current climate and put it to better use.

You can search about some companies by googling their name and on sites like: moneysavingexpert and singingpig and newspaper site guardian, observer and property-system.

Take care
Money saved is money earned!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:36 am 

Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:08 am
Posts: 25
Hi there,

I agree there are many companies offering various discounts and offers for bigger deal. But you should choose some good reputed and professional agency to deal with.

However you will be pleased to know that there are some genuine companies that has good price offers and discounts on luxurious properties in various locations. You can find some incredible apartments for sale and rental here. Even they help you to arrange mortgages, loans and finance to buy properties as per your budget.

Plaza Estates- the leading Central London Luxury Properties to Rent - http://www.plazaestates.co.uk/properties-to-rent

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 8:38 am 

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:10 am
Posts: 8
I know these institutions, I once bought property Sudirman Park apartment that at the moment I place and it is superb. I am very happy with this. Maybe you should find a lot of friends and relations to get it.

Apartment-Abdi: Residential Apartment with full facilities and affordable prices

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:10 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:24 pm
Posts: 3
Thanks for sharing, I find there to be many good deals out there you just have to look hard enough for them. Any BMV properties are still considered good value if you can invest some money to make them livable.

UK property buyers, find us at

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